Former GM Research/Tech Center

Before and After

Pontiac, MI – Former GM Research/Tech Center


General Motor’s bankruptcy in 2009 left vacancies throughout the country, including the manufacturing and assembly plant known as Pontiac Centerpoint Campus Central and West. The 1.2 million-square-foot former engineering building was completed in 1994 and included office and light industrial. The main building at Pontiac was previously a research facility used for vehicle and systems testing, validation, and prototype work. The entire campus once employed 4,000 GM employees.


After purchasing the 153-acre property in 2014 from RACER Trust, we secured new tenants at both locations, including Daewoo, Penske, Mahindra, ERAE, and FANUC America. Daewoo, a Korean automotive company, has invested more than $5 million into new technology at the property. FANUC, a Japanese robotic corporation, was also the catalyst for our creative improvements, such as removing the second floor to extend ceiling clearance. This conversion reconfigured almost 400,000 SF of the office into modern manufacturing space to accommodate FANUC’s unique production facility requirements. The momentum from our tenants contributes to both properties’ success, giving a second life to this multi-tenant campus. In 2020, United Shore Mortgage, a neighboring company, purchased Pontiac Central and plans to expand its operations into the building, accommodating 2,500 jobs.

Former GM Research/Tech Center

Photo Gallery

Key Facts

Total Building Size: 882,193 SF
Total Leased: 882,193
Jobs Created: 2500
Industrial Commercial Properties LLC
6110 Parkland Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44124
Phone: 440-539-1046


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